Showing posts with label Judy Adamson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judy Adamson. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Another Favourite Friendship Quote - Stars

If you've moved house as many times as I have, you'll probably have a number of old friends living too far away to meet up with them face to face very often.

But if they were truly good friends, as opposed to 'acquaintances', the bond will more than likely remain intact, even though you may not even get the chance to speak with them as often as you'd like. These are the friends you make time to ring for an annual chat on their birthday and within seconds, it feels as if you spent time with them only yesterday.

These friends are your 'stars' - and maybe, hopefully, you are their 'stars' too!

This is a high resolution, A4-sized image that you are welcome
to save and print or pin to Pinterest.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Surfacing Pattern Designers - Poppy Red and Vikings Showcase!

This month my fellow graduates of the Art & Business of Surface Pattern Design course have worked on 'Vikings' and/or 'Poppy Red' patterns.

Here they are in alphabetical order of first name:

Andrea Rincon
Anchobee Designs

Poppy Filigrane

Carol Robinson

Poppy Pots

Jan Shepherd


Judy Adamson

Viking Shields Medley

Julie Ansbro

Paper Poppies

Liz Minton

Red Poppies

Mel Pope

Symbolic Speech

Natacha Devaud

Viking Dragon

Nicola Catherall Jones

Poppy Field

A big 
 to all the artists who have contributed to this post!

As everyone is so busy at the moment, and I don't want to add to the pressure,
 I'm inviting anyone at all to send in a pattern
 that they have previously entered for a competition
but not been a winner.

I'm sure there are plenty of 'also ran's 
that deserve to see the light of day!

If you haven't entered any competitions and you'd still like to have your work 'showcased', this month's themes are 'Stitches' and/or 'Fiesta'.

Low Res images to me by Sunday, June 2, if possible,
but I'll do my best to accommodate any 'stragglers'