Monday 25 April 2011

The Trouble with Boys....


jane maday said...

Hi Judy,
I just saw the comment you left on my blog long ago on 20 March. Garden flags are popular here in the States, but they are not sold in the UK. I think I read in the Daily Mail that there is some law about what flag you can display (which is a pity, because I would like to send my flags to my relatives in Essex). At any rate, people display flags according to the seasons on metal poles on the front of their house or in the garden. They often have matching welcome mats by the front door. Thanks for visiting my blog, I like yours too!

Judy Adamson said...

Hi Jane - thank you for replying and explaining about flags!

Carole Barkett said...

Love the cards for boys especially the pirate ones, I'll bet they're popular. too bad we couldn't add matching wrapping paper and party napkins.

Judy Adamson said...

Hi Carole - thank you very much for your comments. Yes, the pirate is popular - I think are doing wrapping paper but although I 'created' the pirate in response to one of their newsletter requests, they haven't put it up yet. At least it isn't seasonal so the delay doesn't matter too much.